Is Academic Achievement Really Important?

We all like to be a little successful. But have you ever thought about what the real success is? Is success a high grade and a good career? Or is life a good way to exist and live a good life? This is a very complicated matter, actually. It’s very open to discussion. What do we what do we need? High marks or new inventions?

Today, academic success has become very important. For reasons like country conditions, university degrees and so forth, parents want to put pressure on their children and get good grades. Of course, “my child is irresponsible, he does nothing.”there are parents who complain about. But they do not know that they have given the child all kinds of opportunities during infancy and childhood, and that they do not allow them to have any difficulties, and that they are raising children from responsibility. Normally, the children are amazed at what they’ve been through. “Oh, my child, let me collect his room.””after raising a child, they glue an irresponsible label to that child.

Academic education. Although most of our current school system revolves around it, academic education remains “pathetic” enough to meet the needs of our children. To be honest, I think that our academic education system is overrated, but this is damaging a large number of children.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that our children should not learn to read or learn math or other valuable skills. However, while the main focus of our children’s school day is almost exclusively the content of the course, there is little interest in why this content is important. Instead of learning together, most students spend most of their time filling paper or copying their course notes from Google in just 30 seconds.
The lessons they listen to are usually boring or have nothing to do with their own lives. And from my experience, I can say that the content of the course is often memorised, and those who are memorised during the exam are exposed to water, and then quickly forgotten. However, there is usually only one correct answer, and this usually leads to the fear of making mistakes in children.


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