Coffee Beans

Hi! I am the guardian of this magnificent and vast farmland you are now standing. My utmost goal is to keep everything under control on the farm and maintain the balance as much as possible. However, as you might have assumed, I cannot allow you to take a further step. Because that would be against my existence! I or any other guardian, cannot allow such a thing under the circumstances world is in currently. Please do not make anything harder than it already is! You could not imagine how many times I had burned with excitement when I heard a noise coming towards me to see a living being other than myself. Do not misunderstand me, it is a very noble pursuit such as mine, however, I cannot deny that I have been alone for a very long time. Let me tell you my story from the beginning, you will agree with me then!

It was long ago when farms were in a good state, and people appreciated farms’ value for their well-being. There were lots of different animals taken care of and many various plants that were harvested. Those plants still live in my memories. Their sweet smell, the flavor that came to one’s tongue… Of course, I was not able to eat or smell any of them but I was able to hear people talking about the quality of their crops. I was a coffee bean at that time, but I could have at any time evolved into what I am now. But that is way ahead of the story now. Anyways, it was one dark day when it all collapsed. The system in which people did their jobs fell with only one person. “It” caused a big chaos at that time. “Its” army kidnapped all the scientists around the world including the farmers to do some “noble” experiment for the sake of humanity. People still cannot understand the reason why and I am afraid they will never get the meaning ever.

After a while, people started to fight for food and shelter. It was then some remaining scientists invented robots to help people work on the farms. However, “It” still terrorized lands, so, coffee beans like me were put in the brain of a robot to protect the lands. I can control every entrance and exit of this land and can blow you up if I feel necessary. It is a precaution for any accident.

As much as I want to keep doing my job, I sometimes miss my old days when I could chit-chat with other beans in the factory and when I was roasted with cozy heat. My old friends are probably in the tummy of a random person now…

So, here you go! I told you all about the possible future that you might encounter. Please do not make the same mistakes humanity did last time. You are the hope of our future. We all believe in you. I have to get back to my own reality now! Maybe we will see each other in the future in the same parallel universe or maybe not. Still, do not hesitate to protect what is meant to be yours!

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