Recycling Through Your Fashion Choices

Fashion industry has proven to have a monumental environmental impact, with increasing consequences all around the world. Therefore, various brands have been trying to head into more sustainable direction on popular demand from the stakeholders.

Sustainable fashion is described as a movement and process that promotes the transformation of fashion products and fashion systems to greater ecological integrity and social justice. To summarize what has been stated, sustainable fashion not only addresses the textile aspect of the industry but also deals with interdependent social, cultural, ecological and financial systems.

At this point in time sources are boundless and there are limitless ways of shopping consciously. One example can be given as preferring recycled clothing items. Textile recycling refers to the process of recycling fibers, yarns or fabrics and reprocessing textile materials into useful products. In addition to these materials some companies have started putting out products made out of other unconventional components, such as turning plastic bottles and fish nets collected from seas into swimwear or any recyclable matter that comes to your mind becoming a jacket.

Recycling’s importance has obvious answers and recycled fashion’s significance is similar. First and foremost, it saves landfill space. Studies showed in 2017 that over 11 tons of textiles have been landfilled and that space could have been used for something much more beneficial for the environment, also decreasing the landfill costs of cities. Consumerism is a human default and it is somewhat easier to convince people to buy sustainably rather than completely stop shopping. Moreover, recycled fashion not only helps to cut back production of clothes from scratch but also tackles the already existing waste problems.

In the nature of any subject matter, recycled fashion has supporters and people who are opposed to the procedure with the claim of it being harmful to the human body. What needs to be considered in about assessment is that the process is that it does not only involve designers. The actual recycling operations are handled by engineers in laboratories with the opinions of medical professionals. It is also helpful to note that in an event where the brand is actually willing to good for humanity and environment would cite individual comfort health.

Furthermore, like every recycling procedure, waste products are gathered from different sources and are then sorted and processed depending on their condition, composition, and resale value. This means concerns related to the potential quality decrease of the piece can be neglected.

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