The punishments given to us since we were little and reappear as laws when we grow up. The laws that we will encounter at home, at school especially everywhere and in every phase of our lives, sometimes some laws and punishments become exaggerated. The simplest example is execution. In short, state-sanctioned killing.

Although the 17th article of our Constitution states that “Everyone has the right to live and to protect their material and spiritual existence,” situation becomes death with the permission of the state. While some parts of the country want this penalty back the other part of the country thinks that the law is against human rights.

Many legal organizations, such as the human rights committee, argue that the death penalty is against human rights because it violates one of the most fundamental rights, the right to live, and therefore they abolish this law. So, do you think there is an effect to fall the wild crimes on the execution? This will not be enough to justify the punishment, but we should know has the number of people who repeated the crime statistically decreased after the execution.

Although it has been applied in various ways for years, it cannot be shown to be of any meaningful for using this law; however, it would not be a meaningful effort to continue this penal that is controversial in terms of both the brutality of the practice and the public reaction.The death penalty is used in most places for murder, espionage, treason, or the need for military justice. Accidents with children are also criminal enough to warrant the death penalty.

So, for me and for the statistics, stricter laws and rules do not lead to a more peaceful world, on the contrary even the world, gets more brutal.

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