The Million-Dollar Question

Some individuals agree that teachers should not give homework to students, whereas others claim that homework plays an important role in children’s education. Well, the million-dollar question is “Does homework really contribute to students’ success?”

By all manner of means, there are certain benefits of homework. First of all, it helps students to develop their self-discipline which is behaving in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell them what to do. Students are learning to manage their time and put their tasks in order on their own. Also, it encourages children to take responsibility. They are getting wise about what to do and when to do it. Secondly, by giving homework every day, teachers can ensure that students learn their lessons on the same day that they are taught in the class. After all, revisions are key to master a topic.

At the same time, there are also drawbacks of homework. Firstly, giving too much homework can result in lack of sleep, headaches, exhaustion, unhealthy levels of stress, and weight loss. According to a study by Stanford University, 56 percent of students considered homework as a primary source of stress. In addition to these, children need time to rest and take their minds off of school which is impossible while dealing with a dozen of homework. Besides, we shouldn’t forget that school isn’t the only thing students deal with. Free time activities like sports, visiting friends, developing a hobby, spending time with family, helping with chores are also a part of students’ life which means they require a certain time too.
To summarize, too much of everything is said to be bad, therefore in terms of homework and after school activities, a balance must be preserved to be successful in school and at the same time to spare time for things we like to do after school.


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