Third Eye

I just started the day, I took a cold shower to be energetic. After I got out of the shower, I put on my suit, sprayed my perfume and went down to the garage. While I was starting my car, I found a torn piece of paper in my pocket and it had an address written on it. I set out to research this address for a long time…

On the way to my office with my car, I never had the opportunity to examine the address on the way. After going to the office, I took my coffee and immediately went to my desk. As I was examining the paper on my desk, I heard a footstep behind me, and I immediately tucked the paper in my pocket. The footsteps I heard were a staff member from the same office. He had asked where yesterday’s papers were and asked why I was suddenly panicking. “Sorry nothing happened,” I dismissed. When I finally had the opportunity to look at the address on the paper, I realized that our office was written at this address. Who could have written an address?

I didn’t know on a piece of paper and put it in my pants? While we were thinking about this event, our boss requested an urgent meeting. While holding this meeting, he said that everyone would be searched. I was nervous because of this, I put the address paper in the drawer so that it would not be caught by the cameras. After finishing the meeting, I saw that the paper was not in place… I was in a panic. How could anyone have seen it?

When I asked the cleaning lady to look for a paper, she said, “I was cleaning the office, I didn’t know.” When I asked the gardener, “I was correcting the Japanese flag when I was arranging the order of the flags.” After hearing this, I quickly punched him in the face and put him inside my car. While searching the pockets of the gardener who woke up on the road, I found the paper with the address. I pulled my car to the right and tried to find the address. When I got to the place where the address is written, I immediately went inside. Inside was information that even the manager could not reach. While I was thinking about where to get this information, I saw the gardener running behind me, took this information and immediately set off towards the office. After I got to the office, I saw a lot of police cars parked. When I went to the security guard to ask why they were here, I found out that they were all actually a cult!

After handing over the information I found to the police, the gardener and his colleagues were arrested. After that day, I always thought of Claudius, “Don’t say everything you know, know everything you say.” word comes. Indeed, after today’s event, I decided to look at everything with my third eye.

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