Tourism Disaster Management

Each country has unique attributes which make the country special to its own. Culture encompasses religion, cuisine, clothes, the way we wear clothes, language, marriage, music, and is different around the world. Culture is beauty. The main reason people visit countries is that they want to see and know about a new culture which officially leads them to be a cultured person. So why should we limit it?

Many of us most probably dreamed about traveling the world someday. Seeing cultural properties and learning their backstory can make us feel different emotions. In order to feel those emotions we shouldn’t limit mass tourism unless there’s an over-tourism. How does over-tourism happen? Over-tourism is the situation when too many people visit a place. This makes the living conditions harder for local people living there. For example, Barcelona is one of the most well-known destinations suffering from over-tourism. Approximately 32 million tourists visit Barcelona each year yet only 1.6 million people actually live there. In this type of situation, it would be seen as a relief for people living there to limit over-tourism. Research shows that the maximum capacity of a big city to welcome tourists is 29 million.

If I was the Minister of Culture and Tourism and my country suffered from under-tourism, I would have built and made more cultural attractions that would keep people interested and then share them on big platforms such as other countries’ news or social media. Supporting the local economy by shopping and eating in local run-stores and restaurants is another option. Paying people to represent my country’s cuisine in another country so our culture would be expanded around the world. Highlighting the history and culture is one of the best options if your country is old because every destination has a different story behind them.

In conclusion, you should be criticizing your country’s visible and obvious problems.

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