Where I Want To Live

In my adult life, I want to live in a quite, peaceful nature in a lush environment close to the sea or a lake.
Metropolitan live is very tiring and wearisome. People living in the metropolis are very impatient, angry and unhappy. Because in metropolises there is a lot of traffic and it is very crowed. In metropolitan life, everything is accessible, easy to buy, but not natural. City traffic, high buildings, factories cause air pollution. The sky is always grey and the green area is very little and polluted. There is a mixed and crowed population of people because there is a lot of migration to the big cities. Transportation is very difficult in big cities due to heavy traffic. In fact, there are positive aspects of living in the metropolis. For example; there are hospitals, schools, universities, shopping malls, markets, theme parks, amusement centers. But I still want to live in a quite, nature environment. My preference is to live on a farm in a town or village close to the metropolis. I would like to live in a wonderful villa by a lake or a river in a green and clean nature not far from the city. I go to work in the morning. When I return home in the evening, a magnificent view welcomes me. And I forget all my tiredness. I want fruit trees in my garden, tree house, playground for children, barbecue and a kennel. I wish I hada a lot animals on my farm. I can go to the lakeside picnic with my family on the weekends. Let the children play freely in the garden, forest, and lake. I want to live away from city noise and air pollution.
I decided this when I went to Austria is a big country but an hour away is the village of Hallstatt. It’s a wonderful place. People and animals live very happily and peacefully in the Hallstatt. That’s why I want to live in a green place in nature, not far from the metropolis in my adult life. Why not!

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