Who Are You ?

My name is Jacob and I am 20 years old.In my family  I only have my mom and I love her so much.You are going to ask me if I have a dad.Well, Im not sure.When I was 2 years old as my moms knowledge he passed away in a plane crash.Thats a odd situation when we compare death reasons.Thankfully I was 2 at that time so I knew nothing but for my mom it was a hard time to go through.Now I am suspicious about this situation because there is no record for a plane crash in 1998 so this had me thinking.Why would he die in an unknown plane crash ? I have been  researching for 5 years know.The first valuable proof I Found was When I was 18 which  was an apartment which looked rusty.But this apartment contained a flat which was full of my dads supplies.Since then I had been visiting this place for 2 days in a week.When I was 20 I detected a strange difference,the amount of supplies in the flat were  expanding.So one day I stayed in the flat  to see what was  happening.It was getting dark outside and I was getting hungry I went to the kitchen as soon as I opened the fridge a Strange sound came from the door.I headed to the door and I opened the door  I couldnt believe what I saw The guy was similar to the photos of my dad I said Who are you ? The strange guy looked me in my eyes and said Jacob is this you I understood that was my dad.To be continued…

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