A Planet Over The Rainbow


One day it was raining really harsh and I didn’t know what to do. That day was very boring. And I’ve already finished my work so I had nothing left part from playing video games. I played video games for a while. Then the sun rose. And it was sunny all along.


I decided to go outside and follow the rainbow because I was so bored and had nothing to do. And then just I arrived, a new door opened. And I was surprised, not surprised, shocked I was. So out of my curious brain and out of pure boredom, I went through the door. I knew it was a bad idea, but I couldn’t help it. I peeked my head looked around the “place” that was after the rainbow. I checked my phone battery, and I took a step in it looked terrible. And I was disgusted. I ran to my house and made a plan so would never get bored again.



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