Did it All Change

Growing up, I lived in a small apartment block. Although the apartment was small it was like a whole world for me back then, maybe because I was small, and everything seemed relatively big compared to my size. I still remember going out to our garden with my friends, playing and trying to annoy our janitor. Playing hide and seek and climbing up to high places our bodies were barely able to reach, eventually trying to go back down but never managing to do so. Exploring secret hideout places in the apartment and naming them one by one chark, splash, gargy and many more. Looking back, they were quite extraordinary names and I have no idea how we came up with them though exploring was for sure a remarkable experience for us to have back then. 

I was standing in front of my old apartment again; I mean the area witch my apartment used to be located. Instead of our small yellow apartment there was a big residence. Standing there felt nothing like it used to. It was almost like they took my childhood and forced it to become this “ideally shaped adult”. I started exploring the neighborhood, still with the madness of seeing my childhood being ripped away. As I was exploring, I saw a new shopping mall placed right where my old math course building was. I walked down the street where I used to pass every day before going there. Next to the road there used to be an empty field. Now there was a new tall building, and it didn’t take me much time to realize that it was a hospital. which made me sort of happy though I couldn’t tell why, maybe because it was a relief to see the useless area being used in the making of something useful for society. I continued walking down another familiar pathway which led me to a park where I soon recognized to be the park where I spent my childhood in. I took a walk around the park as I saw a bakery. I went in and got a crescent roll. My mother and I used to get one each back when we lived here.  

I decided on sitting on a bench and I heard a “meow” sound behind me. I turned back and I saw a familiar face. The cat that I always used to feed, frankly I wasn’t sure how he made it to that day, but it was a blast finally seeing a face that was far apart from being a stranger. He crawled up onto my lap as he peacefully started purring. It’s nice to see you too I mumbled, and for the first time after a long time I felt like a child again and it was only until then that I realized how much I missed it.  


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