Genie Of Aladdin

Hello Max I’m Enes . How are you? I hope you are fine today.  I had such an exciting experience yesterday, you wouldn’t believe it.

Let’s go to 8:00 yesterday morning if you want. I wake up at 8:00 am, I think you know that. Anyway. How can I know I will live so exciting think. After that I went to the bathroom. I washed my face. After that  I had my breakfast. And I eated honey, olive, egg anyway. I didn’t call any voice at home .At first I thought my parents were sleep but after my breakfast I understood their not at home. They must have been home all weekend but had to be at work that day. They left money for me to eat something. But I decide saving that money for buy a nice computer. After that I thirst so I go to the kitchen and what do you thinksaw. At firstly I thought it’skettle. When I got close I realized that it wasn’t a kettle. It was a lamp. I membered. My grandmother’s came to visit us for a week. This lamp was always told to pass from mothers to children and never to be turned on, and my grandmother gave it to us to continue that tradition. Of course you know I’m a very impatient person .

Because of thisopen andalmost had a heart attack from fear because I saw Alaaddin and he said the wordsAsk whatever you want from me” At the time, I couldn’t decide what I wanted because I had so many opportunities ahead of me. After a few second I decide I wan’t 100.000.000 dolar. Because I think this is will enough for me. If you wan’t I can give you 50.000 dolar or what you wan’t  
Dear Max 

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