Money and Fame

The benefits of having money and fame; You can buy what you want with your money, and people will recognize you because you have a reputation. These times you can buy anything with money and fame is a very good thing. But of course, having money and fame has its downsides. For example, when you have a lot of money, people will want to befriend you because of your money, which means that when you have a lot of money, you cannot make a real friend. The same thing happens when you have fame. When you’re famous, people want to be friends with you because you’re famous (just to say  they can tell their relatives that they’re friends with a celebrity). This shows again that you can’t make real friends when you’re famous, and your friends are probably jealous of you. When you have money and fame, you cannot make real friends, your relatives try to take money from you and you will be alone.

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