The Doors

When Alex woke up, he found himself in a very different room with people he didn’t know at all. There weren’t many furniture in the room. There was only a counter and two doors within the room. It was written “good” on one of the doors and “bad” on the other. After a while, a voice came from the walls. “Choose a door,” he said, and the counter began. One of them chose the good door and nothing happened. The door opened to another room. The same doors were in this one too. The voice came again “If you can’t find the right room you will teleport to the other side” he said. They scared a lot. What was on the other side? A boy in the room speak “ Nobody knows what is on the other side in this planet. But if you want to know that, there are two options to know it. First, you need to eliminate  from the game. Second, you need to finish the game.” After he said that the counter began. A girl opened the good door again but she suddenly disappeared.  All of them scared a lot. So it was not the good door. Then they opened the other door. It was safe. Then they realized this room is smaller than the other room. Then the counter suddenly started. Nobody opened a door but the time was running. A girl said “ Isn’t nobody going to open a door.” Alex said “ I think so.” A boy said “ Okay, so let’s play rock, papers and scissors. The loser of the game is going to open the door.” So they played and Alex lost… Alex was so scared. “If I can’t choose the correct door what will happened? But I must do this.” So he said “ I’m going to open the good door.” Then a girl said “ Is it your final decision?” Alex said “Yes”. Then Alex opened the door and it was a correct door. And the game was over as they win! Alex was so happy until he wake up. It was all dream! It was the weirdest dream he had.

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