the lake at the top of the mountain

The schools were on a break me and my dad decided to go to a mountain camp .we always go to mountain named ‘’anamas ’’since ı borned .Mountain is at the part of the konya’s

Mountains that are very gorgeous.the journey to konya to ankara taked 4 hours and it was the best ı ever experienced with my dad. When we arrived to konya the friends of

My father called us and said that they are also gonna go to a camp to anamas mountain.

We did rest for a one day in our relatives house and we planned that we will go to the mysterious Lake that is at top of the mountain that is at 2998 height. My dad said he did climbed to the anamas mountain when he is near my age.when ı learned about the height of

The mountain i was shocked .my dad told the climbing takes so much energy and time

So we preparied some food and water with us .So the weather was not so cold because

Of we were on summer break and the weather was so hot. We didnt have a cold issue

Because of that. We finally started to climbing at the mountain at first it did really

Scared me but you get use to it with time my fathers friends did started really fast

Thay they left us with my father almost. The journey toke 5 hours and it was terrifing

And  fun at the same time . when we saw the lake ı learned that it wasn’t really the

Top of the mountain and it was a rumor. We fastly ate at our sandwiches we preparied

Before, and it was the best sandwich ı ever ate.The return was not really enjoying

Because of your legs are so out of energy and you have the risk that you could fall of and

Die or injured because of it.but we returned at 6 hours and ı would say that it was an

unusual experience and it was the best thing ı’ve ever seen.

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