One day, I was walking on the street I saw two people fighting with each other… I tried to cut their fight off but it didn’t turn out pretty well because I got punched from face. Then I punched him on the face and it became a 2v1 as soon as I got punched again I ran away. I don’t know why I fought back but whatever.  After that fighting issue happened, I went back home and there was a letter at the ground saying ‘call me if you need money’. I needed money so I- (no no no don’t be dumb 🙂 be smart) so I didn’t call the number because I knew it was a scam. I was going to get hacked, I know these tricks. This tricks actually went too far, they are everywhere. What was I saying… So, I am a really curios person so I called the number and FBI picked up. I didn’t understand first but they said ‘you are too dumb to kill’ and they left me alone. I was scared at first but nothing happened after all. But never trust unknown calls or websites, something really bad can happen.

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