The Right Idea

What makes humans different from animals? The biggest different is definitely the ability to think, to decide. Humans are living beings that can prefer something, decide something, agree or disagree on something. That makes us different from the rest of the living species in the world. Think of a world that humans agree on everything, when someone gives an idea about something everybody just agrees without even hesitating, how would that be? 

A world without disagrees definitely would not work. Even with basic ideas if people cannot decide, if they can’t have an idea on that topic, the system in the earth would collapse, chaos would be inevitable. Imagine your friends wants to go to a concert but you don’t want, but when he asks you to go or not, you just agree, even though you don’t want to you just have to go. I’m sure that would be annoying, you probably faced situations like this but rather than this example if you don’t want to go to a place, an organization we just simply say no because that’s normally how it works. This was one of the simplest examples, think of a bigger problem, most of the countries right now are ruled by democracy, which means that the people of that country are involved in the management of the country. If we start agreeing on everything this system would collapse, because once the president of the country says something people has the agree which means instead of democracy it would be dictatorship. 

This world needs different ideas so we can choose the best out of them, that’s how the system of the world works. If we stop deciding between to opinions, if we agree on everything, I don’t believe that the world would last long, chaos would be prevailed. We can say that our world is a world of opinions, everybody has an opinion on something, but the best opinion gets chosen, that’s the system we live in. We cannot stop deciding, every idea is not the greatest, we should think about ideas and decide which one is the best after. 

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