Roles Support or Against the Hitler?

Roles Support or Against the Hitler?

I would like to live in the period when Germany ruled under the administration of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party between 1933 and 1945, under the leadership of the “Führer” government (1933-45) and the head of state (1934-45) Adolf Hitler, with a one-party regime-based administration system. . In this period, Adolf Hitler, who turned Germany, which had a bad economy, into a strong Germany, made a ruthless signature in history. The whole world has spoken of him, and he is recognized as the most ruthless ruler.


The year 1940 Adolf Hitler expelled the Jews from society and imposed various things on them. They divided Berlin, the capital of the country, in two with a wall, leaving Jews on one side and other people on the other. Every house in the Jewish part was roamed one by one by the soldiers, and every creature deemed unnecessary was killed. Afterwards, the system changed and only 1 person from each family remained, and all the others were exiled. In addition to the divisions that occurred within the country, HYDRA, an organization opened by Hitler to develop its own technologies, continued its work. The role I want to play in this historical event is Eva Hitler. While Eva Hitler continued her life as a photographer and model, Adolf met with hitler. Eva Hitler met Adolf Hitler while working as a photography assistant in Munich. He was also the biggest supporter of Adolf Hitler and was his life partner for 17 years. Eva Hitler was aware of all the plans to be made and she was the only person outside the government. That’s why I would like my 1st role in history to be Eva Hitler. At the same time, Eva Hitler was a spy for HYDRA. He was always there with Adolf Hitler in the attack plans made in the bunkers in the city. I would like to be a colonel who supports the Jewish part of Germany, but is on the opposite side, among the countries that the Nazis fought in Germany, Italy, the Japanese Empire, the Kingdom of Hungary, the Kingdom of Romania, the Slovak Republic, the Kingdom of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. For example, I would like to be a general like Heinrichi, one of Hitler’s generals. Towards the end of the war, the strength of the Nazi troops dwindled, but they never stopped fighting.


Turkey did not enter the war, and as a result, Hitler lost World War II. Berlin was still under attack and announced to the soldiers that they had lost. Later, he went to the underground bunker in Berlin with his wife, Eva Hitler, and they both committed suicide together. Exactly on April 30, 1945, there was no more Hitler. Then, on May 7, 1945, the German Empire officially ended.



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